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Archive for January 2014

I am a horrible blogger. It has been a while.

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Hello All!

It has been such a long time since I blogged. I tell ya, once wedding season hit last year I was busy busy busy which is such a blessing. Wedding season ended for me just in time for Christmas (12/21/13) and started right back up last weekend! Not much of a break but a well rested one. 

As you all know I am not a creature of habit so keeping up with the blog was not something I was prepared to do. It also didn't help that my lap top when to lap top heaven. Also, I wanted to make sure to focus on my family when I wasn't working. I feel like the computer and my cell phone were becoming too much of a distraction while adding to my busy schedule. The break from the computer was needed but Ill admit it was a little too long of a break. So hopefully starting in 2014 I will be consistent but not consumed with all this blogging and phone related.

I ordered a new day planner for 2014 so maybe that will keep this little non creature of habit on track! It should be here next week and I am so excited. I prefer to write things down in a planner versus putting them in my phone. I feel when I write them down I retain the information much better. How about you all? Do you do everything on your phone or do you have a day planner too? Ill let you know what I think about it once it arrives from Nashville. Sadly we do not have a store that carries these in Louisville but I have a great Louis Vuitton consultant in Nashville at their free standing store who takes good care of me!

I also ordered a new wallet so I should be organized beyond belief!
 I am very excited. 

I had a gift card from September and I just now used it. Louis Vuitton may not be everyones favorite but I love their products. They last forever and take the beating I give them. I live in my Louis Vuitton. I use it daily and year after year it hold up. Mostly I have to save or wait for a holiday to be able to get a piece for my collection but I know when I purchase an item (like a wallet or day planner) I never have to buy another one for years (and years and years and years)

Well that's about all for now. Ill try to do better going forward. I think 2014 is going to be a great year and I hope I can make this blog great too! 

In the meantime make sure to check out my other sites and videos!
Thank you for stopping by
Have a Beautiful Day